Gopi Chandan Tilak or Tika is adorned after chanting the following Twelve Vasudeva Namams - Dwadasa Nama of Sri Hari on the forehead as a prasath from Deity will invite Good Luck and get protection from evil eyes.
Keshav - Forehead, Narayana - Belly, Madhava - Heart, Govind - Throat, Vishnu - Right Side of Belly, Madhusudan - Left Side Of Belly, Trivikram - Ear, Vaman - Left Belly Region, Shridhar - Left Arm, Hrishikesh - Right Ear, Padhanabha - Back and Damodhar - Shoulder.
This religious Gopi Chandan Tika is the natural Pooja Product consists of no artificial components / Chemicals rolled out from the Famous Brand TPRG Kangaru available in 70 & 140 gms sizes Packets ready to use for personal usage and for Temple Deities.
Take home this Gopi Chandan Tika or Sandal Tilak online at an attractive lowest price and have a bright Chandan Tilak Daily!
These should be rememberd.
Weight : 70 & 140 Gms